The most nutritious and sustainable protein has been overlooked.

Find out why crickets are the protein of the future according to the United Nations.

Spicy & Sweet For Beginners


Welcome your first insect eating experience. Ideal snack to share in a housewarming party. Everyone will be talking about it for days.

Chilli & Lime, Tomato & Oregano, BBQ Paprika, Salted Caramel

Extra Hot Superfood!


Suitable for real-life dare devils! Start slowly and move up to the famous Carolina Reaper, the hottest chilli in the world! It burns, burns, and  burns even more. Only a few can eat then in one sit without dropping a tear or calling for the fire extinguishing department. Accept the challenge? 


Carolina Reaper, Chilli & Lime, Mexican Chipotle, Wasabi

Treat for Any Chocolate Lover


Chocolate-coated crickets with four different premium types of chocolate are the perfect crunchy desert. Cheat day worthy but actually guilt-free: rich in quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. 

Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Cinnamon

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