Lemon screw-on


Kids 360MicrosVolcanoesPhones

Lemon screw-ons - 353

Lemon screw-ons - 353 51.72 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon srew-on - Size L - Crimp - 1 holds Lemon shaped hold with a smal incut crimp. Compatible with all of our lemon holds.    

Lemon screw-ons - 354

Lemon screw-ons - 354 72.06 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size L  - Edge/Sloper - 2 holds Lemon shaped holds with a open-handed ledges. Compatible with all of our lemon holds.  

Lemon screw-ons - 360

Lemon screw-ons - 360 93.82 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size XL  - Jug - 1 hold A jug that fits perfectly on any lemon hold or on any edge of the wall with one straight line.  

Lemon screw-ons - 359

Lemon screw-ons - 359 88.31 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size XL  - Positive Edge - 1 hold Lemon shape. Two rounded pockets fitting perfectly on any lemon hold or on any edge of the wall with one straight line.  

Lemon screw-ons - 358

Lemon screw-ons - 358 88.31 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size XL  - Sloper - 1 hold A slopy lemon-like shaped hold that fits perfectly on any lemon or on any edge of the wall with one straight line.  

Lemon screw-ons - 355

Lemon screw-ons - 355 88.31 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size S  - Edge - 5 holds  Five screw-on snakes with a lemon hold like curve.   

Lemon screw-ons - 356

Lemon screw-ons - 356 104.87 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size M  - Sloper - 4 holds Four slopers for lemon holds or anywhere you want them.  

Lemon screw-ons - 357

Lemon screw-ons - 357 99.35 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon Screw-on - Size L  - Sloper - 3 holds Three slopy shapes that fit on all lemon holds or on any edge of the wall with one straight line.  

Lemon screw-ons - 352

Lemon screw-ons - 352 59.18 EUR 360 holds -PU - Lemon srew-on - Size XL - Sloper - 1 hold Large lemon shaped hold with pocket. Compatible with all of our lemon holds.