Full density board
(Mainline + Auxiliary) for 7x10.
The complete 7x10 Kilter Board Home Wall layout: 305 bolt-on holds. (unique holds with no duplicate)
The Full Ride fills in all the standard 20cm board grid t-nut holes and also fills in all the overlay grid holes for the densest board with the most options.
140 bolt-on holds that are mostly thinner crimps and pinches and slopey to flat edges with a few sets of mini-jugs and incut ears mixed in.
The Auxiliary pack fills in the in between spots in a standard board grid (so where the footholds are on the Original Kilter Board + the blank spaces used as smearing lanes on the Original Kilter Board).
165 unique bolt-on holds (no duplicates) that tend to be more generous, with a variety of crimps, edges, pinches, slopers, incut ears, and mini-jugs.
The Mainline Pack fills every t-nut in a standard board grid (20cm or ~8" square grid like that on the Original Kilter Board
For those with lower ceilings, this is the way to go! Additional columns on
each side of the 7x10 make the climbable surface wider and open up the edge rows.
This super fun pack compliments the 7x10 Fullride by making it wider with 6 additional columns, 3 on each side. Also available as just Mainline (2 additional columns, one on each side) or Auxiliary (4 new columns, 2 on each side).
If you have the height for it, this expansion pack adds bottom rows and a kickboard to make a full 12' upper + kickboard which is approximately the same size as other standard 8x12 boards (most boards have around 6" of space on each side of the outer columns and this will as well).
This allows you to make more use of the lower holds on the 7x10 board as well as offering tons of new low start options. Option for Mainline Only or Aux Only expansion -- each has 3 upper board rows (Main or Aux) and 2 kickboard rows (same for both))
Includes all the smaller expansion packs and is available in Fullride or just Mainline or Aux. This wall need to be 10' wide x 12' upper board + kickboard. This includes all the problems from the 7x10, 10x10, and 8x12 plus filled in bottom corners (the blank space between the 8x12 and 10x10) for even more problems.
The Kilter App lets you share problems with other users around the world.
You can log ascents, see beta videos, add your own beta videos, tag problems with different notes, set problems (now with draft mode) and more!
New features are in the works as well to continue to enhance your Kilter Board experience.
If you use multiple boards of different sizes your Kilter App can save them separately so you can use one app for all the Kilter Boards you climb on.
The app is free, available for Apple and Android.
Prices are subject to change due to US Dollar day conversion!
KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : Mainline Pack for 7x10
Mainline Pack for 7x10: 165 bolt-on holds that tend to be more generous, with a variety of crimps, edges, pinches, slopers, incut ears, and mini-jugs. The Mainline Pack fills every t-nut in a standard board grid (20cm or ~8" square grid like that on the Original Kilter Board as well as other boards like the Moonboard and Tension Board).