All Kilter PU

Kilter Holds

KX081 - Noah 2XL 6 - Fins

KX081 - Noah 2XL 6 - Fins 484.51 EUR

Kilter holds - Brushed Sandstone - 4 holds - 2XL - Pinches - Danamond PU from Compiste-X

Four fat puffy incut fins. Nice visually, with a long taper to make them super directional. Matchable.

Go well with other smooth holds, Smooth Tufas, and also with Complex as they can hang off volumes or jam up against volume/wall angle changes. 

4 Grips (only 3 in green pic, 4th in foam pic)

Fine Texture      Ian Powell      Summer 2020

Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 3.5" or 4" (depending on t-nut depth) x 4