All Kilter PU

Kilter Holds

KX078 (Kit) - Brushed Sandstone - Complex Ledges and blockers

KX078 (Kit) - Brushed Sandstone - Complex Ledges and blockers 449.06 EUR

Kilter holds - Brushed Sandstone - 6 holds - Kaiju

Beautiful Brushed Sandstone Complex Kaiju Ledges 6-8 and Mega Jibs Set 4 to block with them or use as companion holds on volumes, as feet, low angles, aretes, whatever you like! 

6 Grips - 3 bolt on, 3 screw on

Brushed Texture      Ian Powell      Fall 2019

Hardware recommended (not included): bolts TK" x 3, screws

Material: Dannomond PU from Composite-X in Bulgaria