All Feet PE

Feet PE


All feet PEVolxEP

Dancers in the arcs - S

Dancers in the arcs - S 40.29 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -10 units- Size S - Edge

Echolot - XS/S

Echolot - XS/S 55.54 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -13 units- Size 3 XS/10S-  Foot

Hermits - S

Hermits - S 27.23 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE - 6 units- Size S - Crimp

Permits micro - S

Permits micro - S 30.49 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -8 units- Size S - Edge

Pompeian atoms - XS

Pompeian atoms - XS 41.38 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -10 units- Size XS - Foot

Pressence - M

Pressence - M 38.33 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -7 units- Size M - Pinches

Princes of darkness - S

Princes of darkness - S 59.9 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -12 units- Size S - Edge

Requiems and dreams - XS

Requiems and dreams - XS 22.87 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -10 units- Size XS -  Pinch

Instinct XS/S

Instinct     XS/S 28.23 EUR Boulder Special - Instinct Line - PE - 10 Units - Size 8XS / 2S - Foot/edges

Instinct S/M

Instinct    S/M 69.58 EUR Boulder Special - Instinct Line - PE - 15 Units - Size 8S / 7M - Foot/edges

Be a Star- Edges L

Be a Star- Edges   L 49.4 EUR Boulder Special - Be a Star  Line - PE - 5 Units - Size L  - Edges

Edges S

Edges   S 55.45 EUR 300 holds - PE - 11 Units - Size S - Edges

Chrono XS - PE

Chrono   XS - PE 44.37 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Chrono Line - 20 Units - Size XS - Foot

Chrono S - PE

Chrono  S - PE 54.45 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Chrono Line - 12 Units - Size S - Edges

Cotton S/M - PE

Cotton   S/M - PE 56.47 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Cotton Line - 10 Units - Size S/M - Pinches

Creepy XS

Creepy    XS 44.37 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Creepy Line - 20 Units - Size XS - Foot

Creepy S

Creepy   S 63.53 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Creepy Line - 15 Units - Size S - Mixed

Invaders XS

Invaders    XS 134.1 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Invaders Line - 40 Units - Size XS - Foot - Bolt-on 

Medusa XS

Medusa    XS 60.5 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Medusa Line - 20 Units - Size XS - foot - bolt-on

Ocean Wild S

Ocean Wild   S 95.8 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Inspiration Line - 20 Units  - Size S - Mixed grips

Zodiac S - PE

Zodiac S - PE 98.82 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Inspiration Line - 20 Units  - Size S - Mixed grips

Truffles S

Truffles S 57.48 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Inspiration Line - 10 Units  - Size S - Mni Jugs

Troy M

Troy M 64.53 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Inspiration Line - 9 Units  - Size M - Pinches/Edges

phantom M

phantom  M 43.35 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Phantom Line - 10 Units - Size M - Mixed grips

phantom S

phantom   S 40.33 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Phantom Line - 10 Units - Size S - Mixed grips

Perseides S

Perseides   S 58.48 EUR Fiction holds - PE -  Perseides Line - 15 Units - Size S - Mixed

Globes - S

Globes - S 56.63 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -10 units- Size  S -  Foot

Prawn - S

Prawn - S 71.87 EUR HRT - By artist Julius Kerscher -The Glass Bead Game - PE -10 units- Size  S -  Round edges