


Dishes - 479 -DT

Dishes - 479 -DT 121.21 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper Size S - 31x4cm - Screw-ons Round dual texture slopey dish with some grip inside

Dishes - 464-DT

Dishes - 464-DT 377.08 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size L - 80x23cm - Screw-ons Rounded, high profile, positive, large dish.

Dishes - 478

Dishes - 478 101.01 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper Size M - 44x5cm - Screw-ons

Dishes - 474-DT

Dishes - 474-DT 255.88 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper - dual texture Size L - 80x8cm - Screw-ons A rounded shiny dish with some grip inside.

Dishes - 474

Dishes - 474 222.22 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size L - 80x8cm - Screw-ons

Dishes - 470-DT

Dishes - 470-DT 565.63 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper - 5 holds - Dual texture Size S-M - 19,5x8cm, 25x10cm, 29,5x9cm, 41x18cm, 49x19cm - Screw-ons 5 rounded shiny dishes with grip inside.  

Dishes - 464

Dishes - 464 309.75 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size L - 80x23cm - Screw-ons Rounded, high profile, positive, large dish.

Dishes - 479

Dishes - 479 92.93 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper - Size S - 31x4cm - Screw-ons

Dishes - 478-DT

Dishes - 478-DT 127.95 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper - dual texture Size M - 44x5cm - Screw-ons A rounded dual texture slopey dish with some grip inside

Dishes - 470

Dishes - 470 430.95 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Sloper - 5 holds Size S-M - 19,5x8cm, 25x10cm, 29,5x9cm, 41x18cm, 49x19cm - Screw-ons 5 round dishes with grip inside.

Dishes - 461DT

Dishes - 461DT 592.56 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x30cm - Screw-ons The biggest Dish from the family. Perfectly rounded, high profile and dual texture.

Dishes - 463 DT

Dishes - 463 DT 390.55 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass - Dual exture-Jug Size  L - 80x23 cm - Screw-ons Looks like dish no. 464 DT but is more positive and juggy.

Dishes - 471-DT

Dishes - 471-DT 565.63 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x18 cm - Screw-ons Perfectly rounded dual texture big flat dish.

Dishes - 471

Dishes - 471 482.12 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x18 cm - Screw-ons Perfectly rounded big flat dish.

Dishes - 461

Dishes - 461 509.06 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x30cm - Screw-ons The biggest Dish from the family. Perfectly rounded and high profile.

Dishes - 463

Dishes - 463 323.22 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Jug Size  L - 80x23 cm - Screw-ons Now also in GRP. A nice extension from classic PU snakes that gives you bigger and more eyecatching pieces to play with. Cllimbing...