208.75 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size M - 47 × 27 × 14 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Full texture sloper to pinch from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing
202.01 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size S - 45 × 24 × 11 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Small full texture pinch from Neo genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
181.81 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size S - 38 × 28 × 10 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Smallest full texture sloper from Neo genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
228.94 EUR
Neo - GRP - Size M - 50 × 44 × 21 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit High profile and fairly positive full texture macro from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great...
323.22 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size L - 65 × 48 × 28 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit The biggest piece and a big dual texture macro jug from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and...
188.54 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size S - 36 × 24 × 10 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Small but positive full texture macro from Neo Absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great practical use.
195.28 EUR
Neo - Fiberglass - Size M -42 × 37 × 16 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit More than just a full texture jug from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great practical use.
175.07 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size S - 35 × 23 × 7 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Smallest macro from Neo Absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great practical use.
242.41 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size S - 36 × 24 × 10 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Small but positive dual texture macro from Neo Absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great...
208.75 EUR
Neo - Fiberglass Dual-Texture - Size M - 50 × 33 × 13 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Medium sized, fairly positive full texture macro from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design...
296.28 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size M - 50 × 44 × 21 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit High profile and fairly positive dual texture macro from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and...
262.62 EUR
Neo - GRP - Size L - 65 × 48 × 28 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit The biggest piece and a big full texture macro jug from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great...
262.62 EUR
Neo - Fiberglass Dual-Texture - Size M - 50 × 33 × 13 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Medium sized, fairly positive dual texture macro from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design...
262.62 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size M - 42 × 30 × 13 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Full texture juggy pocket from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
249.15 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-texture - Size S - 38 × 28 × 10 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Smallest dual texture sloper from Neo genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
262.62 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size S - 45 × 24 × 11 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Small dual texture pinch from Neo genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
262.62 EUR
Neo holds - GRP - Size M - 47 × 27 × 14 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Dual texture sloper to pinch from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
242.41 EUR
Neo - Fiberglass Dual-Texture - Size M -42 × 37 × 16 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit More than just a dual texture jug from Neo absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great...
222.22 EUR
Neo holds - Fiberglass - Size S - 35 × 23 × 7 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Smallest fiberglass dual texture macro from Neo Absolutes range where you get complete line with neat design and great...
350.15 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size L - 57 × 47 × 22 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Dual texture juggy pocket from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
316.49 EUR
Neo - GRP Sanded - Size L - 57 × 47 × 22 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit Full texture juggy pocket from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of climbing.
316.49 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size M - 44x38x13 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit - Jug/Scoop Dual texture juggy pocket from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of...
316.49 EUR
Neo - GRP Dual-Texture - Size M - 45x37x14 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit - Pinch/Scoop Dual texture jug to pinch from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style...
249.15 EUR
Neo - GRP Sanded - Size M - 45x37x14 cm - Screw-on - 1 unit - Pinch/Scoop Full texture jug to pinch from Neo Genesis range that is all about variety and refreshing shapes for modern style of...
350.66 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 2 Units - Size M -38x33x3,5 cm, 39x31x7 cm- Screw-on Sloper A pair of two low profile macros that are perfect for technical and delicate moves.
105.45 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 3 Units - Size L - 23×14,5×8 cm, 23×16,5×6,5 cm, 23,5×17,5×8 cm - Jug - bolt-ons, screw-ons A selection of bolt-on jugs. Easy to use, ergonomic shapes that add...
254.1 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size L - 57 × 41 × 7 cm- Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
175.33 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size M -40 × 23 × 7 cm - Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
184.22 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size M - 43 × 35 × 8 cm - Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
184.22 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size M - 39x31x8,5 cm - Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
180.41 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size M - 41 × 29 × 7 cm- Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
200.74 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size M - 50 × 40 × 9 cm- Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
425.62 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size 2 XL - 123,5x83,5x15 cm - Screw-on - Sloper Extra large eye-catching low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
317.63 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size L - 60 × 56 × 10 cm- Screw-on - Sloper A low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
349.39 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 1 Unit - Size XL - 91x69,5x13,5 cm- Screw-on - Sloper Extra large eye-catching low profile macro that is perfect for technical and delicate moves.
444.68 EUR
Neo - GRP Fiberglass Sanded - 4 Units - Size S - 21x16x4 cm, 21,5x17,5x2,5 cm, 23,5x18x3,5 cm, 28,5x18,5x4,5 cm - Screw-on Sloper A collection of small low profile macros that are perfect for...
114.35 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 1 Unit - Size S - 38 × 29 × 11 cm - Sloper - bolt-ons, screw-ons Big, high profile sloper for big moves. Bolt-on fixing with inovative cover that prevents the use of...
114.35 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 1 Unit - Size XL - 36 × 28 × 12 cm - Jug - bolt-ons, screw-ons Big, high profile jug for big moves. Bolt-on fixing with inovative cover that prevents the use of bolt...
86.39 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 10 Units - Size S/M - Jug - bolt-ons, screw-ons 12x8x3,5 cm, 12×8,5×4 cm, 11×6,5×3,5 cm, 12x9x4,5 cm, 15,5x11x5 cm, 10×7,5×3 cm, 12x8x3 cm, 14×9,5×5 cm, 11×8,5×3,5...
86.39 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 4 Units - Size M - 20x13x4,5 cm, 19x13x6,5 cm, 20x12x6 cm, 19,5×12,5×8 cm - Jug - bolt-ons, screw-ons A selection of medium sized bolt-on juggy holds. Easy to use,...
88.94 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 2 Units - Size L - Sloper/Positive - bolt-ons, screw-ons 26×17,5×4 cm, 27x19x5 cm A pair of fairly positive slopey holds that are bringing variety to a range of 100...
88.94 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 6 Units - Size S/M - Incuts - Screw-ons 19×13,5×3 cm, 18,5x13x2 cm, 22,5x14x2,5 cm, 20,5×12,5×2 cm A set of six incut one hand only shapes that are bringing variety...
92.75 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 4 Units - Size M - Sloper/Positive - Screw-ons Medium sized slopers that are still on the positive side bringing variety to a range of 100 PU Absolutes shapes.
87.66 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 4 Units - Size M/L - Edges - Screw-ons 20,5x13x3 cm, 20×13,5x4cm, 19x11x4,5cm, 21,5x15x2,5 cm More edgy but still a bit slopey collection of 4 medium sized holds...
86.39 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 4 Units - Size M - Slopers - Screw-ons 19×13,5×3 cm, 18,5x13x2 cm, 22,5x14x2,5 cm, 20,5×12,5×2 cm A set of 4 medium sized slopers that are bringing variety to a...
73.69 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 10 Units - Size S - Edges- Screw-ons 10x7x2 cm, 10,5x6x1,5 cm, 13x6x2 cm, 11x5x1,5 cm, 8,5×5,5×1,5 cm, 10x6x1,5 cm, 9×5,5×1,5 cm, 8,5x5x1,5 cm, 9x6x2 cm, 8,5x5x1,5 cm...
92.75 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 8 Units - Size S/M - Mini-Jugs - Screw-ons 11x7x4 cm, 14,5x10x4,5 cm, 12,5x9x4 cm, 10x7x3,5 cm, 16,5x11x6 cm, 13,5×9,5×5 cm, 11x7x3,5 cm, 16×10,5×5 cm A set of...
80.04 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 8 Units - Size S - Slopers/Edges- Screw-ons 10x8x2 cm, 10,5x6x1,5 cm, 11,5x8x1,5 cm, 11,5×6,5×2 cm, 12×6,5×2,5 cm, 13x8x2 cm, 9x6x2,5 cm, 10,5×7,5×2,5 cm A set of...
69.88 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 10 Units - Size S - Slopers- Screw-ons 10x6x1 cm, 10x6x2 cm, 8,5×5,5×1 cm, 9×6,5×1 cm, 9x6x1,5 cm, 10x6x1,5 cm, 9,5×6,5×2 cm, 8×5,5×1,5 cm, 8x5x1,5 cm, 8×5,5×1,5 cm ...
60.98 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 12 Units - Size 2XS/XS - Slopers- Screw-ons 4,5×2,5×0,5 cm, 5×3,5×1 cm, 5×3,5×1 cm, 5×3,5×0,5 cm, 8×4,5×1 cm, 4,5×3,5×0,5 cm, 5x3x0,5 cm, 6,5×3,5×1 cm, 5,5×3,5×1 cm,...
67.34 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 12 Units - Size XS - Slopers/positive - Screw-ons 5,5x4x1,5 cm, 5,5x3x1 cm, 6x5x1,5 cm, 7,5×5,5×1,5 cm, 6×4,5×1,5 cm, 7x5x2,5 cm, 6×4,5×2 cm, 6×3,5×2 cm, 2x 7×4,5×1,5...
102.85 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 8 Units - Size L - jugs 8 L very confortable ergonomic finger buckets. Perfect handholds on vertical to gently overhanging wall
101.64 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 12 Units - Size M - jugs 12 M very confortable ergonomic finger jugs. Perfect also as footholds on very steep angle.
84.7 EUR
Neo - PU Holds - Absolute - 22 Units - Size S - jugs A set of 22 small but very positive screw-ons, perfect to use on wooden volumes or when you need just a little something. Bringing variety...