

KXKD001 - Keith Dickey Moses Sandstone XL1 - Hueco

KXKD001 - Keith Dickey Moses Sandstone XL1 - Hueco 364.68 EUR

Haptic holds - Moses Plated Sandstone - 5 holds - XL - Jugs -  Danamond PU from Compiste-X


Five beautiful huecos with Moses Sandstone plating. The largest is puffy and slightly incut, it definitely has a sweet spot. The others are more incut with two that feel fairly juggy. Overall a really nice set wthat compliments other Moses Sandstone and Kilter Sandstone lines.

Some of the last holds Keith shaped, and we have more on the way.

Advanced/Open      5 grips

Fine Texture      Keith Dickey      Winter 2018