Fiberglass DT

Fiberglass SandedBolt-on 360 FG Screw-on 360 FG 360 Fiberglass

Lenses - N°221 - DT 471.36 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes - Fiberglass Dual Texture - Jug/Pocket - Size 3X L-   97,5x97,5x13,5 cm - Screw-ons The 221 Lenses range features one 3XL dual texture GRP volume with the dimensions of...
Lenses - N°228 - DT 592.56 EUR 360 holds -Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Scoop/Pocket - Size S-M - 40x40x15 cm, 35x35x9 cm, 30x30x8,5 cm, 25x25x8 cm - Screw-ons Four dual texture lenses. Different sizes and hidden...
Lenses - N°227 - DT 444.42 EUR 360 holds -Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - scoop/pocket - Size M - 35x35x11 cm, 35x35x10 cm- Screw-ons A pair of dual texture lenses. One with a big and the other with a super small...
Lenses - N°226 - DT 457.89 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - scoop/pocket - Size M- 40x40x10 cm, 45x45x10 cm- Screw-ons A pair of dual texture lenses.   
Lenses - N°225 - DT 296.28 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Edge/pocket - Size M- 50x50x14 cm- Screw-ons Classic lense with some shine added, for more surprises on the wall.  
Lenses - N°223 - DT 363.62 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - jug/pocket  - Size L - 70x70x18 cm- Screw-ons Big jug hidden inside of this dual texture piece. For more surprises on the wall.   
Dishes - 463 DT 390.55 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass - Dual exture-Jug Size  L - 80x23 cm - Screw-ons Looks like dish no. 464 DT but is more positive and juggy.
Dishes - 461DT 592.56 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x30cm - Screw-ons The biggest Dish from the family. Perfectly rounded, high profile and dual texture.
Dishes - 464-DT 377.08 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size L - 80x23cm - Screw-ons Rounded, high profile, positive, large dish.
Dishes - 470-DT 565.63 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper - 5 holds - Dual texture Size S-M - 19,5x8cm, 25x10cm, 29,5x9cm, 41x18cm, 49x19cm - Screw-ons 5 rounded shiny dishes with grip inside.  
Dishes - 471-DT 565.63 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper Size X L - 125x18 cm - Screw-ons Perfectly rounded dual texture big flat dish.
Dishes - 474-DT 255.88 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper - dual texture Size L - 80x8cm - Screw-ons A rounded shiny dish with some grip inside.
Dishes - 478-DT 127.95 EUR 360 holds -Dishes -Fiberglass -Sloper - dual texture Size M - 44x5cm - Screw-ons A rounded dual texture slopey dish with some grip inside
Dishes - 479 -DT 121.21 EUR 360 holds -Dishes - Fiberglass -Sloper Size S - 31x4cm - Screw-ons Round dual texture slopey dish with some grip inside
JUGGY BALLS - N°319-DT 430.95 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - dual texture - Jug - 3 holds  - Size M - 40,5x35x11 cm, 40,5x29x11 cm, 40,5x34x12 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Flat juggy balls that fit perfectly together or with some...
JUGGY BALLS - N°301-DT 579.09 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 1 holds - dual texture - Jug - Size XXL - 124x90x39 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Super big, super juggy and shiny.
JUGGY BALLS - N°303 DT 390.55 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 1 holds- Dual Texure - Size L - 80x48x27 cm - Screw-ons Large eye-catching Juggy Ball piece for more variety and possibilities within the wide range of Juggy Balls. 
JUGGY BALLS - N°302-DT 511.76 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 1 holds - dual texture - Size XXL - 124x64x39 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Super big, super juggy and shiny.  
JUGGY BALLS - N°305-DT 350.15 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 2 holds - dual texture Size M - 50x25 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! A set of 2 dual texture jugs that fit together are a perfect addition to classic 360 balls.
JUGGY BALLS - N°306-DT 484.82 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 2 holds - dual texture Size M - 50x25 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! A set of 2 dual texture jugs that fit together are a perfect addition to classic 360 balls.
JUGGY BALLS - N°307-DT 282.81 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 2 holds - dual texture Size M - 40x20 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! A set of 2 dual texture jugs that fit together are a perfect addition to classic 360 balls
JUGGY BALLS - N°310-DT 700.3 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -DualTexture - Jug - 7 holds - Size XS/S - 14x12x6 cm, 30x25x13 cm, 19x10x8,5 cm, 19,5x14,5x8 cm, 24,5x12,5x10,5 cm, 25x21x11 cm, 28,5x15x13,5 cm Screw-ons Balls can be jugs!...
JUGGY BALLS - N°314-DT 592.56 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 2 holds - dual texture - Size XL - 70x60x12, 70x46x12 cm  - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Flat dual texture juggy balls that fit perfectly together. 
JUGGY BALLS - N°315-DT 377.08 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 2 holds - dual texture - Size L -58,5x39,5x5,5 cm,  59x44,5x6 cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Flat dual texture juggy balls that fit perfectly together. 
JUGGY BALLS - N°318-DT 127.95 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Dual-Texture - Jug - 1 hold - Size M - 36x32x11cm - Screw-ons Balls can be jugs! Flat dual texture juggy ball that fits perfectly with set and some other flat balls, like...
JUGGY BALLS - N°304 DT 390.55 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug - 1 holds - Size L - 67x38x30 cm - Screw-ons Large eye-catching dual texture Juggy Ball piece for more variety and possibilities within the wide range of Juggy Balls.
BALLS - N°289-DT 794.57 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Balls - Sloper - 7  holds - dual texture Size XS-M - 12x5, 14x6, 20x10, 25x13, 30x15, 30x15, 40x20, 50x25 cm - screw-ons and bolt-on Set of seven balls from S to L. A...
BALLS - N°290-DT 606.03 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Balls - Sloper - 5  holds  Size XS-S - 12x5, 14x6, 20x10, 25x13, 30x15, 30x15 cm - screw-ons and bolt-on Set of five balls from S-M. A selection of slopers with dual texture.  
Volcanoes - N°127 - W 276.09 EUR 360 holds -Volcanoes -Sloper - Fiberglass&Wood Size L - 72x30cm - Screw-ons - Nr. of T-nuts    1 Bringing variety into to the volcano family with style. This large volcano with a wooden plate...
Volcanoes - N°121-DT 606.03 EUR 360 holds -Volcanoes -Sloper/Jug - dual texture SizeX L - 107x25cm - Screw-ons Volcano dualtexture base II, with inserts 4,5 and 6. All inserts fit into any volcano base, so you can mix it up as...
Volcanoes - N°122-DT 579.09 EUR 360 holds -Volcanoes -Sloper/Jug/Pinch - dual texture - Size L - 96x40cm - Screw-ons Volcano dualtexture base I, with inserts 1,2 and 3. All inserts fit into any volcano base, so you can mix it up...
Volcanoes - N°123-DT 525.22 EUR 360 holds -Volcanoes -Sloper/Jug - dual texture Size  L - 72x17cm - Screw-ons Volcano dualtexture base III, with inserts 7,8 and 9. All inserts fit into any volcano base, so you can mix it up as...
Tubes - N°14 - DT 228.94 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Tube - Edge/Sloper - 2 holds  Size M - 2x  44x16,5x15 cm - Screw-ons  Dual texture tube ends from Slices.  
Tubes - N°16 - DT 491.56 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Tubes - Edge/Sloper - 3 holds - Dual Texture  Size L - 122x43x15 cm, 44x16,5x15 cm x2  - Screw-ons Tube combination with dual texture tube endings. Possible to close the...
SLICES - N°420-DT 215.48 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - Dual-texture Size S - 30x8cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices. The part with texture offers a nice grip and the rest is all shine.   
SLICES - N°419-DT 222.22 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - Dual-texture Size S - 35x8 cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices. The part with texture offers a nice grip and the rest is all shine.   
SLICES - N°418-DT 222.22 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - Dual-texture Size S - 35x10cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices. The part with texture offers a nice grip and the rest is all shine.   
SLICES - N°417-DT 242.41 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - dual texture - Size M - 35x8cm  - Screw-ons A flat round shape cut on two slices with right angled edges. The cover with shine has no texture but...
SLICES - N°416-DT 242.41 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - dual texture Size M - 35x10cm  - Screw-ons A round shape cut on two slices with right angled edges. The cover with shine has no texture but makes a...
SLICES - N°415-DT 242.41 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - dual texture Size M - 40x8cm  - Screw-ons A round shape cut on two slices with right angled edges. The cover with shine has no texture but makes a...
SLICES - N°406-DT 496.74 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slice - Edge - 3 holds - Dual texture Size XL - 122x14cm  - Screw-ons Big flat round shape cut on sides with shiny slices to complete the circle. The slices with shine has no...
SLICES - N°409-DT 471.36 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Balls - Edge - 2 holds - dual-texture Size XL-2 x 106x30x31cm  - Screw-ons Two big shiny slices with right angles that fit together. Open it just as much as you want, make a...
SLICES - N°410-DT 430.95 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Balls - Edge - 2 holds - dual-texture Size L-2 x  88x22cm  - Screw-ons Two medium dual texture slices with right angles that fit together. Open it just as much as you want,...
SLICES - N°411-DT 342.2 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - Dual-texture Size L - 95x10cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices. The part with texture offers a nice grip and the rest is all shine.   
SLICES - N°412-DT 235.68 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - Dual-texture Size M - 64x4cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices. The part with texture offers a nice grip and the rest is all shine.   
SLICES - N°413-DT 228.94 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge - 2 holds - dual-texture  Size M -2 x 44x16,5cm  - Screw-ons Two dual texture slices with right angles that fit together. Also works as a TUBE end cover. Open...
SLICES - N°414-DT 350.15 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Slices - Edge/Pinch - 3 holds - dual texture Size M - 40x10cm  - Screw-ons A round shape cut in thirds with right angled slices. The middle pinch with shine has no texture...
Special edition volumes - 538 DT 3892.05 EUR 360 holds -Special edition -Edge - 20 holds - dual texture Size S-XL - 34 - 190cm - Screw-ons Set of right angled dualtexture volumes ( #15, #66, #67 2x, #68 2x, #55, #56, #79, #80, #83, #84,...
Special edition volumes - N°540 DT 1912.36 EUR 360 holds -Special edition -Edge - 11 holds - dual texture Size S-L - 34 - 120cm - Screw-ons Set of right angled dualtexture volumes (#67, #68 2x, #81, #85, #86, #87) specially designed for Rock...
Quarters - N°399 DT 525.22 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass Quarters - 3 units -  Size S- 35x24,5x9,5 cm, 35x24,5x4 cm, 35x24,5x2 cm - Screw-ons Set of 4 small quarters with rather low profile that makes the whole range of quarters...
Lenses - N°222 - DT 390.55 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Edge/Pocket - Size L - 80x80x21 cm- Screw-ons The biggest Lenses piece with dual texture side for more surprises on the wall.  
Lenses - N°224 - DT 323.22 EUR 360 holds - Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Jug/Pocket - Size XL- 55x55x10,5 cm - Screw-ons The 224-DT range features one extra-large dual texture GRP volume. The dimensions of the volume...
Lenses - N°230 - DT 525.22 EUR 360 holds -Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Pocket - Size S - 19,5x19,5x4, 20x20x5,5, 20x20x 7,5 cm - Screw-ons The 230-DT Lenses set includes three medium sized dual texture GRP volumes....
Lenses - N°229 - DT 484.82 EUR 360 holds -Lenses volumes -Fiberglass Dual Texture - Pocket - Size M - 33x33x8,5 cm, 32x32x7 cm - Screw-ons Lenses 229-DT is a set consisting of two medium-sized dual texture volumes. One of them...
JUGGY BALLS - N°308-DT 336.68 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Dual-Texture - Sloper - 1 hold  - Size M - 39x28x17 cm - Screw-ons The 308 range includes one extra-large single texture GRP volumes. The dimensions of the volume are 39 x...
JUGGY BALLS - N°309-DT 471.36 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Jug/Sloper - 3 holds  - Size S - 20x16x9 cm + 20,5x15,5x10 cm + 22x16x10,5 cm - Screw-ons The 309DT Juggy Balls range features three medium sized, medium high profile GRP...
JUGGY BALLS - N°311-DT 531.96 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Jug/Sloper - DualTexture - 1 hold - Size XL - 93x75x20 cm - Screw-ons The 311 Juggy Balls range includes one extra-large dual texture GRP volume. With the dimensions of 93 x...
JUGGY BALLS - N°312-DT 417.49 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Dual-Texture - Sloper - 1 hold - Size XL - 86,5x67,5x18 cm - Screw-ons The 312 Juggy Balls set features one extra, extra-large single textured GRP volume. The dimensions of...
JUGGY BALLS - N°313-DT 323.22 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Edge - 1 hold - Size XL - 70,5x56,5x5 cm - Screw-ons The 313 Juggy Balls set includes one extra-large GRP volume produced in dual texture. The extra, extra-large volume with...
JUGGY BALLS - N°316-DT 336.68 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Dual-Texture - Sloper - 1 hold - Size L - 55,5x47x13 cm - Screw-ons   One dual texture GRP volume is included in the 316DT Juggy Balls package. The extra, extra-large volume...
JUGGY BALLS - N°320-DT 727.23 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Dual-Texture - Incuts - 5 holds - Size XS/M - 15x12x4,5 cm, 20x16x5,5 cm, 25x18x6,5 cm, 30x23x7,5 cm, 34,5x25,5x7 cm  - Screw-ons   The 320 Juggy Balls set, features five...
JUGGY BALLS - N°317-DT 309.75 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Dual-Texture -Jug - 1 hold - Size M - 46,5x37,5x12 cm - Screw-ons One extra, extra-large GRP volume with dual texture is included in the 317DT Juggy Balls range. It has a...
Ghost - 601 DT 507.72 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size 2 XL - 122x122x30 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned low-medium profile sloper, with dual texture running along the bottom....
Ghost - 606 DT 173.43 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size M - 33 x 33,5 x 10 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned medium profile, slighty less positive sloper, with dual texture curving...
Ghost - 604 DT 330.33 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size L - 78x78,5x38,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned super high profile, positive sloper, with dual texture. Great for...
Ghost - 605 DT 173.43 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size M - 33x34x12,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned high profile, very positive sloper, With dual texture running along the...
Ghost - 613 DT 172.16 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size M - 33 x 33 x 11 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned high profile, slightly positive sloper, with dual texture running along a...
Ghost - 608 DT 227.1 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Pocket - Size M - 40x41,5x13 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned high profile, positive pocket, with dual texture running along the backside...
Ghost - 609 DT 227.1 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Pocket - Size M - 33x33x13,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned high profile, very positive pocket, with dual texture also runnig along the...
Ghost - 610 DT 176.09 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Pocket - Size S - 25x25x6 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned low profile, positive pocket, with dual texture running along the backside of...
Ghost - 611 DT 176.09 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Pocket - Size S - 25x25,5x6,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned low profile, shallow pocket, with dual texture running all around the...
Ghost - 612 DT 176.09 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Pocket - Size M - 33 x 33 x 6,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned low profile, shallow pocket, with dual texture cleverly placed right...
Ghost - 614 DT 172.16 EUR 360 holds -Ghost Line -Fiberglass Dual texture - Sloper - Size M - 31 x 31 x 7,5 cm - Screw-ons   A uniquely Ghost patterned low profile, slightly less positive sloper, with dual texture running...
Ghost - 620 - DT 3282.5 EUR 360 holds - Ghost Line -Fiberglass Sanded/Dual-Texture - Sloper/Pocket - 15 Units - Size S-2XL - 25cm-122cm - Screw-ons   The full set of uniquely Ghost patterned Holds from XXl-Small, low-super...
Evolution balls - 701 DT 228.69 EUR 360 holds - Evolution Balls - Fiberglass - Dual-texture - 1 unit - Sloper - Size L - 55,5x55,5x27 cm - Screw-ons   A dual textured, high profile, positive and symetrical sloper. With the dual...
Evolution balls - 702 DT 749.6 EUR 360 holds - Evolution Balls - Fiberglass - Dual-texture - 5 units - Sloper - Size: 16,5x16,5x6 cm, 21x21x10 cm,  26x26x12 cm, 33x33x16 cm, 44x44x21 cm- Screw-ons   A set of five high profile...
Evolution balls - 711 DT 228.69 EUR 360 holds - Evolution Balls - Fiberglass - Dual-texture - 1 unit - Sloper -Size: L :  55,5x55,5x16,5 cm- Screw-ons   A dual textured, low profile and symetrical sloper. With the dual texture...
Evolution balls - 712 DT 749.6 EUR 360 holds - Evolution Balls - Fiberglass - Dual-texture - 5 units - Sloper  Size: 17x17x5,5 cm,  22x22x7 cm, 27x27x8,5 cm, 32x32x9,5 cm, 44x44x13 cm- Screw-ons   A set of five low profile...
Edgy Dishes - 481 DT 629.2 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - Sanded - 1 unit  - Size XXL - 126x126x31 cm - Screw-ons   The biggest shape of the range, subtle for slabs and vertical terrain, surprisingly useful on light...
Edgy Dishes - 484-B-DT 266.2 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size L - 58x58x24 cm - Bolt-on   Positive and high profile yet not a jug and easy to couple with his bigger brother, either bolted or screwed....
Edgy Dishes - 485-B-DT 266.2 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size L - 57x57x22 cm - Bolt-on   Similar in size and prehension to the previous one but a little slopier and easily turned into a very bad grip...
Edgy Dishes - 486-B-DT 266.2 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size L - 56x56x14 cm - Bolt-on   Low profile and fairly bad. Not be underestimeted on slabby and vertical terrain. please note: PRICE FOR...
Edgy Dishes - 487-B-DT 169.4 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size M - 33x33x12 cm - Bolt-on   please note: PRICE FOR FLUORESCENT COLORS IS 10% HIGHER
Edgy Dishes - 488-B-DT 169.4 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size M - 33x33x11 cm - Bolt-on   please note: PRICE FOR FLUORESCENT COLORS IS 10% HIGHER
Edgy Dishes - 490-B-DT 133.1 EUR 360 holds - Edgy Dishes -Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size S - 28,5x28,5x8,5 cm - Screw-on   The smallest of the range and the least positive, only one not equipped with a bolt-on, but easily coupled...
Quarters - N°397-DT 192.58 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass - Quarters - Dual-texture Ledges - 1 Unit  - Size M- 40x40x6 cm - Screw-ons    Mini quarter that makes the whole range of quarters bigger and more versatile. It takes just a...
Quarters - N°400-DT 717.81 EUR 360 holds -Fiberglass -Quarters - Dual-Texture - Ledge - 4 Units - Size M - 4 x 40x40x6 cm - Screw-ons  Set of 4 mini quarters that make a perfect circle.  
Hero Pockets - 721 DT 325.5 EUR 360 holds - Hero Pockets -Fiberglass Dual texture - 1 unit  - Size L - 55,5x55,5x16,5 cm - Pocket - Screw-ons   The biggest shape of the range yet conveniently low profiled and dual textured....
Hero Pockets - 722 DT 906.56 EUR 360 holds - Hero Pockets -Fiberglass Dual texture - 5 units  - Size S - 17x17x5,5 cm, 22x22x6 cm, 27x27x6,5 cm,32x32x7 cm, 44x44x12 cm cm - Pocket - Screw-ons   Set of five shapes, low profiled and...