All 360 PU


360 Holds

Slices - 418

Slices - 418 80.8 EUR

360 holds -Slices holds - PU - 2 holds - Size  -Edges -  Bolt-on/Screw-ons


The 418 set comes with two low profile small sized basic edges with a 90 degree angle at the side of the grip. The 90 degree angle is designed to make blocking and stacking as easy as possible. It also means that by stacking these holds you’ll get an unlimited amount of different grips. These holds are such a trademark 360 design that they will work great with any product from the other 360 holds ranges. When shaping the idea was that we create two holds that can be used as one but as it turns out these two pieces will work perfectly individually too!

Both holds in the range are made from our high quality polyurethane material that will withstand many eager climbers climbing on them. They both feature a bolt hole for bolt fixing and two screw holes for fixing with wooden screws. The screw holes mean you can place these holds anywhere on the wall no matter where the bolt holes on the wall are which offers more freedom for any crazy ideas you or your setters may have.